So glad you could make it! What would you like to learn about first?

⚠ This project is still in very early development and is subject to changes big or small, please be aware of this, thank you. Also alot of images in here are temporary placeholders until I draw their assets ⚠


A group of five young animals join a magic academy in another realm made of pure hopes, dreams and joy. Together they learn how to become Bringers of the Rainbow, a group who nourishes and protects the hopes, dreams, and joy of everyone from parasites who's only thought is to drain it all.


Our World of Dreams is the result of many passion ideas I've had over the years, coming together into one big project. It is also fueled by my love of Magical Girl and Young Witchling series, and the messages that hope, friendship, laughter and dreams have the power to change the world.

Explore the Realms

The realms are three different dimensions that are featured in Our World of Dreams! Click on the image to learn more about them!

Content Warning: Vrativor may have unsettling themes / imagery.

⚠ All links in development or being planned ⚠


A magical realm where hopes, dreams, and joy are made and protected. There are five islands each one representing one of the five types of magic, with a central island, representing all of them. A protective fog surrounds it protecting the realm from any parasites that attempt to enter.Fun Fact: This realm is the home of my main fursona Gummie!

The Magic of Elpithion

Elpithion is filled to the brim with magic, as it's what the realm is made out of. It is both passively in the environment, able to help everyone in little ways, and able to be harnessed actively by individuals. One is able to harness one of the five types of magic, by acquiring a Dreamy Heart.

The Five Types of Magic

Melodicana - The power to summon and use one type of musical instrument or one's own voice to produce various blasts of energy, create energy barriers, or manipulate a target's emotions to a certain degree.Toyaloo - Allows the individual to create or summon one or more of a type of toy. Toys can be animated for a short amount of time and can have their size changed as well. Their general sturdiness allows for great physical combat and defense.Plushio- Gives the power to control, summon, animate for a short amount of time and change the size of various plushies. They can also heal wounds with their magic. The user's most treasured plushie is animated permanently and acts as a little companion to the user.Sugararu - Allows the user to create and manipulate one type of pastry or candy, changing their size, shape or telepathically moving them with. The candy and pastries from their magic can be used to also provide temporary boosts to others by eating them.Storysprix - Gives the ability to summon anything from a selection of various fairy tales and stories. One simply needs to read the word or phrase out loud from the story. Characters can also be summoned for a short while for aid as well.

Dreamy Heart

The Dreamy Heart is a special item that allows someone to unlock the ability to use one of the five types of magic based on which type resonates with their soul the most. The liquid inside tells which type of magic an individual has based on it's color, and the charm inside is said to represent one's dreams or wishes thematically. A special ceremony is needed in order to get this item.

Passive Magic

Most of the passive benefits of magic come once someone has acquired a Dreamy Heart, these include:

  • Universal Translator, it works in Elpithion regardless if one has a Dreamy Heart or not, but the item is needed in order for the translator to work outside the realm.

  • The Dreamy Heart provides an automatic barrier against the effects of parasites

  • This item also allows for teleportation in and out the realm, making for fast travel between them. This ability is disabled for one day of the year, when special portals that allow new people to discover the realm open.

⚠ More info coming soon ⚠

Meet the Cast

Ira is a sweet, kind-hearted, naive, and passionate kitten, who has a strong belief in "happily ever after" and a very idealistic view of the world. She is constantly looking for that fairytale adventure she has dreamed of, and has a tendency to leap before thinking things through, causing her to get into all sorts of trouble.

Gab, unlike his sister, has a more skeptical view of the world. He is quite moody and prefers to keep to himself. He tends to have a no nonsense uptight attitude that can either be an asset or an annoyance depending on the situation. He lets very few get close to him, but those who are the ones he'll protect no matter what.

Pep Hazelton is a jolly and enthusiastic squirrel who has inherited their mother's love for the dazzling circus limelight. They tend to speak and do everyday mundane things with a theatrical flourish. To it, life is a stage with endless possibilities and ze want to use said stage to spread joy and wonder to many.

Coming soon

Coming Soon

⚠ more coming soon ⚠